You deserve better than blog standard
Don’t read these blogs.
Each of them contains some tool, technique, or strategy to help you write your copy righter. So, if you read them all, you might not need me anymore.
You’d think I’d stop writing them. Fill the site with pretty puff pieces instead. But I won’t.
Because you deserve better than blog standard.
We are all just monkeys in top hats
How do we make decisions? And how can your copy influence those decisions? Find out how Your Copy, Righter can feed the monkey, buff the top hat, and persuade people to do what you want.
They like it when it’s longer*
Because long copy works better than short copy, you filthy animal.
I can do a lot with a little (just ask my wife)
When your budget is smaller than you’d like, it can feel like your hands are tied. But Your Copy, Righter can get big results on a small budget.
Be your prospect’s Obi-Wan Kenobi
Your marketing always has a story. It’s just not always you who’s telling it. But be your prospect's mentor and you'll be part of their story from the very beginning.
Are you giving prospects a case of the ‘who f**king cares?’
‘Who f**king cares?’ is the question you’re not asking yourself. And it’s why your copy stinks.
Ready for a small prick
Get a shot of smarty pants insights into your copy