Ocasta La Vista – Award-winning copy

Ocasta La Vista – Award-winning copy

Sometimes you know exactly what you want and you want someone to do it.

But what you need is for someone to tell you how to do it even better.

That’s exactly what Ben Collier found when he approached me for help with his content strategy and copywriting.

With his full-time marketer on maternity leave and an unexpected need for content, Ben Collier was in a fix. He needed fresh content for his brand, but with no time himself and no-one in-house available to do the work, he needed someone who could smash the content out of the park and create something stand-out that would attract new customers.

Enter Your Copy Righter.

What is Ocasta Review?

Founded in 2011, Ocasta Review creates sales performance and enablement tools for B2C brands such as O2, Virgin Media, and Victoria’s Secret. Ocasta’s goal is to help its customers improve both sales and service, a fantastic way to both get new customers and retain existing ones.

Previously, the various tools had all been part of one platform but, in 2022, Ben had come to the realisation that this was getting confusing for his customers.

“It had made our messaging really muddy. Our old website would start talking about sales observations but then start talking about staff recognition. Now we still have the one platform, but it’s two products that are sold separately.”

Ben Collier, Co-Founder of Ocasta

But with two separate products, Ben realised that one of them, Review, was suffering from a lack of recent content to recommend it to prospects.

So Ben went hunting for a writer to write some blogs.

In the first instance, he turned to Fiverr, trying a few writers at different price points. But he was left disappointed.

“It took me a whole morning to put together the brief. And if you aren’t quite sure about exactly what you need, then you’ll have something like a 50% success rate. They didn’t really understand our audience or the pain points.”

Ben Collier, Co-Founder of Ocasta

That’s when Ben turned to Your Copy Righter.

But I wasn’t convinced a flurry of blogs was what Ben’s business needed.

Getting into the strategy limo

Instead, I argued (with a 14-page proposal) that it would be better to start building content journeys for his high value customers to maximise conversions while he was building up content for the new site.

He agreed.

The first step was to get a deeper understanding of the target audience. I set up a persona workshop with Ben to talk through who they were targeting, who made the decisions, and what those decisions were based on.

“Before taking pen to paper, James dove headfirst into understanding our company, products, and target audience. James gave us the confidence that he understood our SaaS products and who uses them.”

Ben Collier, Co-Founder of Ocasta

Armed with this information, I conducted some independent persona interviews and language analysis to gain some insights into how L&D Managers thought about sales observations.

I then used this to develop a plan for a content journey Ocasta could use to attract and convert leads. This plan outlined the type and style of each piece, where it would sit in the journey, and when and where it should be published.

“James didn’t do what I asked. Instead, he offered (and delivered) exactly what we needed.”

Ben Collier, Co-Founder of Ocasta

And with Ben’s marketer on maternity leave, I took on the task of writing the content too.

Writing the content

When it comes to content journeys, I always advocate for a Foundation First approach. Not because I’m an Asimov fan, but because it generates more conversions.

So I started with the case study first but, while we were waiting for calendars to align, I began writing the other content pieces.

Each one was designed to progressively entice and educate the prospect. At the top of the funnel, I wrote a small white paper about intuition vs data. This led into a piece about internally selling the concept of sales observations. Finally, this took prospects to the case study about Victoria’s Secret.

When it came to writing that case study, I began by creating a guide. I wanted to reassure Ben I wouldn’t be asking his client anything outrageous, as well as give said client an idea of what to expect.

(Incidentally, Ben liked the outline so much he’s using it with other clients.)

“We’re going to pinch those questions for our O2 case study!”

Ben Collier, Co-Founder of Ocasta

Pinching isn’t something I usually encourage in my clients, but I’ll allow it in this instance.

The case study itself was based on a lengthy interview with Steph, the wonderfully enthusiastic and interesting Store Trainer at Victoria’s Secret. With such great material, the real challenge in writing the case study was in choosing what to leave out!

With the copy complete and signed off, we finished the project with a little more strategy. Ben’s marketer had returned from maternity leave, so we booked a training session for future content strategy and I shared my content planning tool.


“His expertise in crafting compelling, targeted copy was pivotal in engaging our potential customers and driving conversions.”

Ben Collier, Co-Founder of Ocasta

That copy has been driving excellent results, with a long dwell time online, a solid bounce rate, and one of the best email open rates that Ocasta has enjoyed. More importantly, it’s been getting attention from major high street brands, creating exciting new opportunities for Ocasta.

But the cherry on the cake was when Ben used the case study as part of his application for a Learning Award.

Which Ocasta won.

“An award like that is great for industry recognition and helps you be recognised in your community.”

Ben Collier, Co-Founder of Ocasta

More importantly, though, the Ocasta team has been left with the tools to keep evolving their content strategy and crafting more purposeful content that’s better targeted towards their ideal customers.

“We weren’t really thinking about guiding someone through that buyer journey. Those keen insights helped us rethink our content strategy. Now we do a campaign each month with three or four bits of content sitting at the different stages in the funnel for different use cases and target markets. That’s cool.”

Ben Collier, Co-Founder of Ocasta

And throughout the project, Ben received a level of service, support, and insight that he just couldn’t get from a Fiverr copywriter. With regular updates, candid discussion, and supporting assets, Ben was never left uncertain as to how the project was progressing.

“James was professional and efficient, bringing a warm and eager attitude to every discussion with us and in his interviews with our customers.”

Ben Collier, Co-Founder of Ocasta

So it’s fair to say that working together has changed Ocasta’s relationship with content for the better. And Ben won’t be returning to Fiverr next time he needs help with his content.

“If you’re looking for a copywriter with a strategic mindset, unmatched focus on narrative, and a genuine focus on driving results, look no further than Your Copy Righter!”

Ben Collier, Co-Founder of Ocasta

If you’re looking to use content to achieve a business objective but not sure how to go about it, get in touch. Whether you need the strategy devised or you need me to write the content too, I can make sure your content opens doors to opportunities that grow your business.

Wanna give me a rub?

I’m ready to be the genie in your copywriting bottle.
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A man dressed like a genie hangs upside down with his hands in the air. His hair is tied into a tight ponytail and he has a groomed beared.