Restoring a place in the market

Restoring a place in the market

It’s a common problem facing businesses.

You’re so close to what you do that it’s hard to step back and see what the customer truly values and what you imagine they value. Which is why an expert pair of outside eyes can be so invaluable.

And it’s why Jane Margetts wanted a copywriter to come in and make sure her copy was speaking to her audience.

We needed some help in articulating who we are, what we stand for, and why our customers should use us.

Jane Margetts, Marketing Director at Restore Information Management

Which is why she turned to Your Copy Righter.


20% reduction in bounce rate

25% of website traffic goes to proposition landing page

63k+ video views and counting

30 opportunities from a single event


With over 30 years in the industry, Restore Information Management is the biggest UK-owned information management company, offering a network of secure storage facilities all across the country. The business stores everything from paper records to priceless artwork, tape media to museum artefacts. Along with other arms of the business, it also offers secure shredding, digital transformation support, relocation services and more.

It’s a strong offering. But after joining the business in 2022, Jane found herself facing a challenge.

We’re in a commoditised market, so differentiation is really difficult. We didn’t have a strong proposition. And we needed to modernise our look, too!

Jane Margetts, Marketing Director at Restore Information Management

But Jane couldn’t wait for the customer research, the positioning work, the new website, and everything else. Her existing copy wasn’t working now, which meant she was losing customers now.

So we got to work straightaway.


Ideally, the proposition comes first and the copy follows. Doing it the other way around can result in a lot of rewrites. So I worked closely with Jane to make sure we weren’t going to end up wasting her time, effort, or money.

We focused our efforts on the things that mattered most. Greatest of these were Restore Information Management’s key benefits and USPs. I reviewed the existing copy, both internal and external, to distill a list of key messages for internal use and to help serve as a basis for the new proposition.

I then used these messages to help me tighten the copy on the key landing pages, which had an immediate effect: the bounce rate dropped by over 20%.

A well-written website keeps people on site longer, you’re going to engage them, and they’re going to remember you versus a site just talking about a boring service.

Jane Margetts, Marketing Director at Restore Information Management

With the worst holes plugged, we could move on to the next step.


Apart from developing a new proposition, Jane wanted to update the brand’s look and help showcase the its value. Design isn’t something I do, so this task was much better suited to an expert: Baz Richardson of Bravo Creative.

The work I had done on Restore Information Management’s key messages gave Baz a running start. He soon developed a fantastic new proposition that encapsulated the biggest USP: that the whole team, from driver to account manager and everyone in between, unfailingly looked for new and better ways to deliver their service.

Or, as Baz put it: they’re Relentlessly Resourceful.

Baz created something that none of our competitors can match. The Relentlessly Resourceful proposition marks us as different and is easy for our prospects to understand. We needed someone to take that and articulate it to the market in a unique way.

Jane Margetts, Marketing Director at Restore Information Management

That someone was me.


The copy needed for the Relentlessly Resourceful proposition was varied and many. It ranged all the way from internal guides for employees all the way to videos and emails for new and existing customers.

Each one needed different techniques to be effective.


The first step was to help employees understand and believe in the new proposition. With their buy-in, they would support it throughout the customer experience and embed it into customers’ minds.

We knew some employees would enthusiastically adopt the proposition. But others would need convincing.

To that end, the first thing I did was write this: “What’s Relentlessly Resourceful?

“You are.”

By giving credit to the team for the power of the proposition, we immediately changed the perception. This was not a mandate from the Powers That Be. This was gratitude. An acknowledgement of their hard work. This was simply a way of describing the good work they did every day.

I built on this perception shift by adopting a knowing tone. I gently ribbed some of the grander promises then immediately explained why they were so grand. This would put smiles on the team’s faces, as well as deflate any eye rolls or snark from more cynical employees.

I also gave a busy team some straightforward ways of describing the proposition to customers. This made the guide a tool they could refer back to, as well as giving them a consistent language toolkit that would make for a consistent customer experience.


Baz had a vision for the video. The budget had different ideas. There wasn’t room in the budget for a new shoot, so we had to come up with a compelling idea that used Restore’s existing footage and possibly some stock footage.

The answer? A wry voiceover that acknowledged the stock photography, but promised a service that was anything but off-the-shelf with lines such as:

“Ah, here’s a shot of one of our lovely vans, which gives me an excuse to tell you how they’re all tracked by GPS, so we know exactly where your files are even when they’re on the move.”

“We’ve got concrete, ex-RAF bunkers. Temperature- and humidity-controlled facilities. CCTV, RFID, and LOL to anyone trying to get unauthorised access to your records.”

“We’re so green, we count as one of your five-a-day.”

James takes something really complex and make it really easy for somebody to understand. And he never undervalues the seriousness of what we do, but he can leave people smiling and thinking ‘I can absolutely relate to that.’

Jane Margetts, Marketing Director at Restore Information Management

The result? 63,000 views with more people watching it every day.


The email to existing customers had to capture their attention. Because there’s nothing like another “We’re delighted to announce…” message to send your prospects to sleep.

Hey, wake up.

So I used the Generation Effect to get their attention. This is the technique of making the reader spend some time to figure out what’s written, proven to help them remember the copy better.

In this case, I wrote this subject line:

ecods management missing something, FNAME?

And leaving out the letter ‘r’ from ‘records management’ did more than just employ a clever psychological technique for making the recipient remember the brand. It also gave me an avenue for talking about all the Rs in the Relentlessly Resourceful proposition to demonstrate how Restore Information Management has something its competitors do not.

The result? The best open rate Restore has ever enjoyed.


Speaking of results, Jane’s choice of copywriter was rewarded with some numbers that proved to her bosses that hiring her was the best choice they’ve made in a long while.

The landing page I wrote for the Relentlessly Resourceful proposition now enjoys 25% of website traffic; ensuring that prospects understand just how Restore Information Management is different from its competitors and leading them to the business’ services (and towards customer conversion!)

The video is currently sitting on over 63,000 views, which isn’t too bad for a video about a brand proposition made up of stock photography.

And at a recent event, Jane was chuffed to see that Restore Information Management came away with 30 opportunities.

I’ve never seen such strong opportunities in the 8 years I’ve been to these events!

Jane Margetts, Marketing Director at Restore Information Management


The work with Restore is just beginning. With the successful launch of the new proposition, we’re working on new web copy and supporting documentation for the sales team, as well as new projects that Jane is developing.

And it’s safe to say that Jane is happy with Your Copy Righter.

James writes about our business in a totally different way that talks to people and gets us remembered. And it’s not just copywriting; he looks at the project and offers strategic suggestions that work even better. I almost don’t want anyone else to know about James so I can have him all to myself!

Jane Margetts, Marketing Director at Restore Information Management

So if you’re looking for a copywriter you wish you didn’t have to share, get in touch.

Wanna give me a rub?

I’m ready to be the genie in your copywriting bottle.
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A man dressed like a genie hangs upside down with his hands in the air. His hair is tied into a tight ponytail and he has a groomed beared.